Homemade Pizza

I used Bob’s Red Mill Pizza Crust mix, made according to directions. I make my own Marinara sauce.( Will post at the bottom) I press the crust into the Stoneware, you don’t need oil or cooking spray with stoneware which saves calories. I spread a little Extra Virgin Olive oil over the dough and then spread the marinara sauce. Then I add the sauteed Onions and Garlic. mmmmm Now I’m getting hungry. I add whatever veggies I have on hand. Sometimes its Bell Peppers, sometimes Mushrooms, sometimes Spinach. Then I sprinkle my meat. I have used just about every kind of sausage, kielbasa, and ground meat. My favorite is either Apple Chicken Sausage(peel off the casings and chop up) or 80/20 Ground beef well seasoned. By now the Pizza is getting pretty tall. But now its time for the cheese! I like Mozzarella, Ricotta, and Parmesan. Obviously you can choose how much and whatever flavors you want! I will sprinkle some black pepper on it and fresh basil. Pop in the oven at 375. Bake for approx 16 minutes but keep an eye on it. When you smell it, its another 3 minutes. 🙂

Published by Cold brew Mamas

I am. A. Constantly. Changing. Force. Of Nature. Currently raising three daughters and one boy, culinary tinkerer, a DamselPro, essential oil and nutrition nut, avid and rabid coffee drinker. Married for 16 years. Daughter of the King.

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